Securing API Gateway with Amazon Cognito: Exploring OAuth 2.0 Implicit Grant Flow


Secure API Gateway with Amazon Cognito

Oauth 2.0 Implicit Grant flow demo: Secure API Gateway with Amazon Cognito Authorizer and Extract JSON Web Token (JWT) to Analyze Security Risks and Potential Exposure of Personally Identifiable Information (PII)


The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework is a protocol that allows a user to grant a third-party web site or application access to the user’s protected resources though the use of short-term credentials (web tokens). Instead of sharing long-term credentials such as passwords with the third-party app, OAuth 2.0 utilizes JSON web tokens (JWTs) to delegate granular permissions and authorize specific actions.
OAuth 2.0 supports several grant types, or “flows” which are used to authorize access to protected resources in different ways. In this example, we will examine using implicit grant to obtain web token, and analyze security risks associated with implicit grant that can lead to broken access control, such as token stealing, session hijacking, and potential disclosure of sensitive information.


In this demo, We will create an Amazon API gateway, integrate it with a Lambda function, and then configure a Cognito Authorizer to limit access to only authenticated users. After the Cognito Authorizer is attached to the API Gateway, a valid JWT must be included in the header of all subsequent API calls to prove that the user making the API call has been properly authenticated and has appropriate permissions to access the API.

Web Services Used

  • Amazon API Gateway
  • Amazon Lambda Function
  • Amazon Cognito

We will use Amazon Web Services (AWS) to illustrate OAuth 2.0 implicit grant work flow, to decode and display the plain-text JSON web tokens, and to test access controls to the API Gateway.


Program walk-through:

Part One:

In order to observe the OAuth 2.0 Implicit Grant and analyze its potential vulnerabilities, we first need something to secure. Therefore, we will create an Amazon API Gateway and integrate it with a simple Lambda function as the backend service.

– Create API Gateway

To get started, sign in to your AWS account and navigate to the AWS console to select the icon for API Gateway:

Once in API Gateway, select HTTP API and click “Build”

Name the API Gateway and click to “add integration”

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